So many answers to prayers come slowly and vaguely, through wrestling with the spirit.
But other times, God gives us the answer right away!

Joshua, the new leader of the Israelites, approached the city of Jericho.

This was the climax of 40 years of wandering in the wilderness, and now what?!

Well, the Lord tells Joshua:

“See, I have given into thine hand Jericho, and the king thereof, and the mighty men of valour.” (Joshua 6:2)

The Lord then proceeded to tell Joshua exactly what to do– march around the city once a day for six days, and on the seventh day, march seven times more. The priests will then blow ram’s horns, the people will shout, and the walls of Jericho will come tumbling down.

The prophet Joshua told his people the plan, they followed the directions, and the city was theirs.

Easy peasy, right?

Asked and answered.

Sometimes, the Lord is ready to give us the exact answer that we need.

But the tricky part then becomes having enough faith to actually follow through on the plans.

Have you had an experience like this before?

Receiving direct answers to prayers is the best.

But then we have to trust and act.

Because receiving the answer is only the first half of the equation.

Whether that means to quit the job, have that conversation, or march around a city blowing horns and shouting, it takes a lot of faith to follow through on our answered prayers.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. You do such a great service each week. We truly love and appreciate what you do. Thank you.

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