As a very sick and pregnant classroom teacher, I prayed A LOT.

I remember rolling out of bed, being so sick, and wondering how I could even get through the day (while not being able to keep any food down).

I prayed I could just drag my body out the door.

When I was in the classroom, I desperately prayed I could make it until break time.

I prayed over food.

I prayed while having conversations with people.

I prayed when I got home and still had work to do.

⁣And I truly would feel these beautiful

spiritual boosts.

I mean, I was still sick. And miserable a lot.

But I’d see the hand of God in those little moments where I felt strength to endure or a little hug that everything would be okay.

Well eventually, I felt better.

As I got into my car at the end of a long middle school day, my mind immediately thought:

“Ah, I haven’t prayed at all today!”

I hadn’t needed the heavenly help.

And immediately I was taught this lesson:

Often, it’s the “bad times” that actually draw us closest to the Lord. ⁣

I went from pleading for His help and comfort, to thinking, “Eh, I can do this on my own”.

It’s SO HARD for me to remember this while I am going through bad times, but often they really bring me closer to God. ⁣

It’s not a punishment.

It’s actually an opportunity for a blessing. ⁣

When I think of Paul, I get exhausted with the trials he had to endure.

He clearly wasn’t being punished for anything. ⁣

“Having therefore obtained help of God, I continue unto this day”. (Acts 26:22)

But do you think he learned how to rely on God for LITERALLY everything?⁣

Absolutely. ⁣

THAT is the hidden blessing that comes from those hard times.

I’m not grateful I was sick, but I am grateful I learned how to rely on God every second during teaching a class.

THAT was my blessing.

“As Paul’s ministry clearly shows, difficulties in our lives are not a sign that God disapproves of the work we are doing. In fact, sometimes it is during the difficulties that we feel His support most strongly.” —CFM Manual

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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