Here’s my go-to question each time I meet someone new:

“Why do you live where you do right now?”

EVERY SINGLE TIME that I’ve asked someone new that I meet why they live in the area, there’s a great story.

A story that usually involves a lot of “coincidences” just working out.

A lot of answered prayers.

Really, really cool stories.

(No really, start asking this question even to people you think you know well— it’s so fun!)

And honestly, I have a similar story.

We live in our current home in our current area due to a lot of promptings, some time in the temple, a softening of my heart, and a persistent salesperson.

And I know my family is 100% meant to be where we live right now.

Whether or not they recognize it, I’ve realized that most people I’m surrounded by are here because of some form of personal revelation.

Paul went on his journeys with the same guidance in mind:

“And I went up by revelation, and communicated unto them that gospel which I preach among the Gentiles…“ (Galatians 2:2)

He traveled by listening to promptings and acting on personal revelation.

And that technique led Paul to exactly where he needed to be!

I like thinking that everyone has been guided to where they are right now for a purpose.

No matter how long they’ll be there.

If this is true, what do you think your purpose might be?

Who can you reach out to and serve in a totally unique way?

What new friends are waiting to be discovered?

Who can you love?

When we humbly lend our will to God and allow our lives to be led by personal revelation, God can lead us to the people who need our specific help the most.

No matter where we are.

No matter how new, or how short we’ll stay.

No matter whether or not we think we “fit in”, or any other mortal thoughts we use to keep ourselves small.

If we were led by revelation, we can trust that God can use us to accomplish His purposes.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. We are tracked out converts who have never lived close to a temple. I have done much family history work & had many miraculous spiritual experiences in the process of redeeming our kindred dead. Once we retired & had the freedom to move to a temple town we did so. At the first social in our temple town ward an elderly ex bishop, ex stake president asked why we moved here. I replied, “To go to the temple to do the work for our ancestors.” He said, “Well you should just turn over all your names over to the temple & they will get done much faster so you need not have come here.” WOW! It’s not about faster. It’s about the temple experiences we are privileged to enjoy in the proximity of the spirits of our ancestors when we are engaged with them in their temple ordinances!

    1. Thank you for sharing! I’m so happy for you that you are close to a temple now and able to do such important work for your ancestors!

  2. Mahalo Cali, for your inspired and thought-provoking question: ” Why do [ I ] live where [I] live?”
    Mostly because I have yet to receive instructions to go elsewhere, despite MANY prayerful real estate efforts and applying for new jobs, and even requests for permission to move, despite so loving the work I get to do and the many people I love and serve, and the PNW life we enjoy…except for the politics and having little voice in the deteriorating remains of what used to be a wonderful state to live in.
    This has been a poignant question in my mind and heart for years, asking Heavenly Father if we are in the “right place” still? My wife and I have looked many times to move to UT as other family and friends have, or ID, TN, MT. Most recently we have looked at the greater Kansas City, MO area, as our daughter and son in law have moved there with his work, and as we draw closer to the Savior’s return and the many prophetic future events to unfold around Independence and Adam-ondi-Ahman.
    So today, as I opened my gmail, I saw your email subject line and smiled at the timing…
    I want to always “go up by revelation”, to “receive instructions” and thne do them…
    Hmmmm…I acan see more clearly now that that’s why I’m still here. 🙏✡️

    1. Thank you for sharing your story! I know as you continue to follow the Lord’s guidance, you will be where you’re meant to be!

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