The Savior had to experience so much mental and physical anguish while suffering for our sins in the garden of Gethsemane.

But He also still had a terrible journey to Calvary where He was crucified!

I can’t even begin to imagine the compounding pain, both physical and emotional, that He had to endure.

It is quite literally unimaginable.

But here’s the thing that fascinates me:

Was Christ bitter about having to endure this heart-breaking experience?

Not at all.

Zechariah prophesied what the Savior would respond when asked:

“What are these wounds in thine hands? Then he shall answer, Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.” (Zechariah 13:6)

He said that this sacrifice happened in the house of His friends.

The people who should have loved and protected Him.

But instead betrayed, denied and crucified.

And He continues to call each of us His friends.

The Savior’s atoning sacrifice made Him even more loving and compassionate, instead of turning Him bitter.

So how are we doing with our own trials?

The trials that seem like nothing compared to what He had to endure, and yet still cause so much pain and heartache and loneliness.

Are we letting our trials turn us bitter? Drawing us away from God?

Or are we making sure that our trials and sacrifices are turning us into more loving and compassionate people, too?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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