And guess who said each one šŸ˜‰

Enduring a pregnancy, delivering a baby, and breastfeeding an infant in the wilderness?!

Undeniably difficult. Do not sign me up for that.

Both Nephi and his brothers talked about the great affliction that this was for their wives.

But what is the difference you see in their two different perceptions of the same difficult experience? ā¬†ļø

Nephi, and I would assume the righteous wives of the group, found the Lordā€™s blessings of strength and comfort all around them during their immense trial.

They lived on raw meat, yet they could still breastfeed! Their physical strength was boosted! They were able to bear their burdens without constantly complaining!

HUGE blessings of comfort and strength from a loving Heavenly Father who knew how hard this task was that they had been asked to endure.

And what about Laman and Lemuel and their wives?

Everything that these pregnant and then new mothers had to endure? It would have been better if they had died.

EVERYONE is asked to endure hard things. Very hard things.

I think it really is important to note that Nephi did NOT brush this aside and say, ā€œThere were a bunch of blessings! It really was easy when we adjusted our attitude!ā€

Everyone agreed that this was a HUGE affliction.

BUT the affliction was made easier to bear when they looked for the blessings within the trial.

The Lord was there blessing them the whole time. But would they take the time to look for his hand?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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