Brainwashed. A cult. Blindly following leaders.⁣

I’ve heard it all about my religion.⁣

But check out what we read in the Introduction to the Book of Mormon:

“We invite all men everywhere to read the Book of Mormon, to ponder in their hearts the message it contains, and then to ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ if the book is true.

“Those who pursue this course and ask in faith will gain a testimony of its truth and divinity by the power of the Holy Ghost.”

Any sort of argument against my beliefs completely breaks down when I can bear testimony of the Book of Mormon. ⁣

I wasn’t peer pressured into thinking the Book of Mormon is true.

I had a personal, powerful experience that led 14-year-old me to realize that this book was actually true.⁣

And my life since then has been sprinkled with moments, both big and small, where I am positive that this book contains nothing but truth.

And I’ve discovered that my testimony of the Book of Mormon has been something I’ve needed to lean on.

Joseph Smith was told that his name would be had for good and for evil throughout the world.

And boy is Satan working on fulfilling that prophesy full-time. ⁣

And I won’t lie, I’ve had to wrestle with some info about Joseph.

But no matter the accusations from the outside, or the wrestling within…

The adversary can never take away the personal witness that I have received while reading the Book of Mormon and acting on its words.

And there are millions who have received this same witness for themselves.

And the cool part?

We can get this witness over and over if we ask with real intent. ⁣

In fact, what a cool way to start your study of the Book of Mormon:

Skip to the last chapter.

Moroni Chapter 10.

Read it and pray.⁣

Your powerful witness might come all at once.

Your powerful witness might come gradually as you make the Book of Mormon more important in your life this year. ⁣

But the witness will come. ⁣

The witness will come to YOU.

I’m so grateful for a religion that encourages me to study and decide on my own.

And for a sacred Book that has never let me down.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. 55 yrs ago I accepted my seminary teacher’s challenge to get my own witness/testimony of the Book of Mormon. This was long before the timeframe of teachers offering students challenges. I very simply knelt at my bedside and simply asked if it was true. An experience too scared for me to share happened. It was genuine, gentle and undeniable. In the lowest points in my life this has sustained a wavering soul.

    1. It sounds like you had an incredible experience and have such a strong testimony! Thank you for sharing! <3

  2. All I can say….Amen to all that!!! I think maybe people are scared of the truth, they will have to change their lives, give up what they consider fun….(why…WE have loads of fun!!) I am the only Member in my family, I dream of the day I can help them to change & see how wonderful MY life is & has been for over 40 yrs!!! On a night, years ago…I was on my own, crying, lost & I knelt & prayed for help from my Heavenly Father…I heard a knock at my door (as has happened to countless others!!!) YEP!! Not only 2 Elders tracking BUT 4…LOLOL My Father KNEW I really needed Him at that point in my life. I have tried to read & study the Book of Mormon every year, line upon line….I found David Butler & (Pres.) Emily Belle Freeman on YouTube, WOW…their love of the Savior, His gospel & especially the Book of Mormon has opened my eyes, given me courage & even more love for this wonderful, outstanding Book of Truth & strength because of all the Elders & Sisters that have visited my home, blessed me & studied with me. I am a Widow, living alone but I do not fear for I have the strength of the Book of Mormon in my home & directing my life…Give it a go…A power will begin to flow into your life…linda

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