When the Jews finally received the proclamation that they were NOT going to all be killed, it was a very joyous day.

We read in Esther 8:16 “The Jews had light, and gladness, and joy, and honour.” (Esther 8:16)

What great qualities, right?!

Light. Gladness. Joy. Honor.

Do you feel any of those in your life right now?

The Jews certainly did. They were a happy and blessed people, and they showed that outwardly.

But guess what happened because of all this light and joy they were showing?

In that next verse, we learn, “And many of the people of the land became Jews”. (Esther 8:17)

Isn’t that cool?

Other people saw the light and joy that the Jews had, and it made them want to join in their faith.

This makes me wonder about my worshiping.

I really do feel a level of joy and peace in my heart, no matter what is happening around me.

But do I show the light, gladness, and joy that I feel from living gospel principles with others?

Do I let my light shine, or am I accidentally hiding it, wanting to fit in with the sadness, fear, and weight in the rest of the world?

Do I take the easier way out of just agreeing with the assumptions that I must be exhausted, frustrated, or scared?

Or am I brave enough to show that I feel peace and happiness right now, in this stage of life, and in this state of the world?

When we show the joy that we really feel, others can’t help but want to join in, too.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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