Confession: My testimony has not always been built on Jesus Christ.

As I’ve developed in the gospel, I’ve had times where my testimony has been built on awesome ward members and leaders.

Sometimes, it’s been built on callings that I’ve had, or organizations I’ve been a part of.

Sometimes, it’s been built on “the church”.

None of these are bad things to have testimonies of.

But Helaman wisely warned his sons of the dangers of building their foundations on anything other than Jesus Christ.

Because the winds and the storms will come.

Ward members will be rude.

Leaders will make serious mistakes.

We will get released from callings.

Organizations are re-organized, and re-organized again.

We can’t go to church.

These are the winds!

So where do I build, even when everything I used to love about the church starts to crumble?

Jesus Christ.

He is the rock.

He is who I can trust to ALWAYS be there.

I have worked to rebuild my testimony up from there.

From that sure foundation.

Our ward, our callings, our friends, our church buildings…

They all can point us to Jesus Christ when we have this new perspective change.

But we have to make sure that they are support beams compared to the role that our Savior plays in our spiritual development.

If we build on him, we will not fall.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

    1. I think learning about him is a great first step! Reading his words in the scriptures, and listening to modern prophets testify of him. I also love studying “The Living Christ” document – it is so powerful and clear. Making sure my prayers are centered around Christ seems to help, too. When I am connected to him often, it’s easier to see how the church/my friends/callings/other obligations can all be tied back to and rooted in him!

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