Study Snippets

Ready for quick, simple and powerful spiritual thoughts from this week’s Come Follow Me reading? Check out my Study Snippets here, starting from most recently published. If you are looking for ideas for quick spiritual thoughts, or easy lesson starters, this is your place! This list is automatically updated as new Snippets are added, so check back for new thoughts each day!

D&C 60-62

It mattereth not

“Do you want the blue cup or the purple cup?” I asked my three year old this question the other day as we searched online

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D&C 60-62

Bearing testimony in quiet ways

When was the last time that you bore your testimony out loud? Are you a get-up-every-fast-and-testimony-meeting type of person? Or only-in-smaller-settings? Or only-in-the-family? Or… rarely

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D&C 60-62

Fear and talents

I remember as my roommates and I got moved into our Freshman dorms at BYU, our new Bishopric emailed out a “get-to-know-you” survey to everyone.

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D&C 60-62

The easy way home

It was time to head back home. The group of missionaries, with Joseph at the helm, had finished their short stay in Missouri and were

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