Study Snippets

Ready for quick, simple and powerful spiritual thoughts from this week’s Come Follow Me reading? Check out my Study Snippets here, starting from most recently published. If you are looking for ideas for quick spiritual thoughts, or easy lesson starters, this is your place! This list is automatically updated as new Snippets are added, so check back for new thoughts each day!

D&C 106-108

Real leaders strengthen

My favorite leaders haven’t been the ones who have pulled off the most perfect events. My favorite leaders haven’t always been the most organized. My

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D&C 106-108

Am I good enough?

Am I good enough? Am I doing enough? Where is my standing with God? I think about these questions a lot. Actually, I think about

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D&C 106-108

Christlike decisions

Making decisions with a group of people. I’m not sure if that statement made you cringe as much as I do when I think about

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D&C 106-108

Warren Cowdery and the high priest

Warren Cowdery realized his congregation needed some… help. They were well-meaning saints who gathered together weekly and had copies of the Book of Mormon, but

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D&C 102-105

A trial of your faith

Why is life so difficult sometimes? Most of us, I think, try to do everything in our power to avoid adding more obstacles to our

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D&C 102-105

The endowment of power

Before I received my own endowment, I remember someone telling me, “It’s not going to be like anything you are expecting it to be.” I

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D&C 102-105

Am I a good steward?

When Quin was born, I was shocked when they just let us put her in a car seat and drive her home from the hospital.

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D&C 102-105

Where is the blessing?

Sometimes it’s a long long long wait for the blessing. So many times, a trial gets thrown my way, and I start to think, “What

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