Have you ever felt that discomfort before when you know you are doing something you shouldn’t be, and yet you haven’t mustered enough courage or strength to actually change yet?

It feels icky. ⁣

Jesus doesn’t want us to be caught in that position for a long time.

He doesn’t want our spirit at war with our body.

He knows what that feels like.

Instead, Jesus wants us to feel the peace that comes when our beliefs and actions are aligned to the best of our abilities.

But this icky position is where many of the Nephites were caught when the signs of Christ’s death came.

They cried, saying:

“⁣O that we had repented before this great and terrible day.” (3 Nephi 8:24

In other words, they wished they had changed sooner.

Prophets had warned them for years that death and destruction would happen if they didn’t repent.

And they just hadn’t made that change. . . yet.

Jesus always invites us to change for the better.

Not just for fun.

But because He wants us to avoid being in that spot where our spirit is at war with our body.

What is something you’ve felt uncomfortable with in your life recently?

We don’t have to fix every problem all at once.

And we don’t have to fix it overnight.

But He warns us over and over again about the spiritual dangers of just sitting in that spot where we know we can take a step forward, where He knows we are fully able to change, and yet we don’t.

Our Savior will lovingly stay by our side as we choose to make a small change for the better.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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