Has anyone else found it hard to believe that after we all die, everyone won’t immediately want to repent? I’ve always thought, “Won’t everyone just be good once they see that there really is a heaven with a loving Father and Savior?”

There have been tons of theories as to how things will exactly play out in the next life, but Jacob reminds us in his sermon in Chapter 9 that, “they who are righteous shall be righteous still, and they who are filthy shall be filthy still.” (v16)

In other words: A change in circumstances won’t magically change our hearts.

How many times have I fallen for that trap, though?

I’ll be better at reading my scriptures once it’s fall break.
I’ll be a better ministering sister once I’ve got my own life under control.
I’ll attend the temple more once my kids are older.

Now, I totally agree that there are “seasons of life” where some things will be easier for us than others. However, when we are always waiting for the proverbial grass to be greener in order to change our habits, I think we miss out on having a mighty change of heart and the sacred personal growth that comes with it.

So what have we been putting off? What can we tackle today in order to align our wills even more closely with God’s?

What text can we send TODAY?
What conversation can we have TODAY?
What small habit can we start TODAY?

Changing our hearts is a lifelong process, no matter how long we are given on this earth.

Because when we pass to the next phase, our heart is all we will be able to take with us.

So let’s stop falling for the trap that repentance and change will be easier when…

And let’s make some little changes today! And tomorrow. And the next day.

So that when we meet our Maker, we can present Him with the purest heart that we could create.

Artwork by Kero.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. I thank you so much for all the work you go to to provide this study help. It really is a great help to me everyday.

  2. Thank you for your encouragement! We all need reminders constantly, or we are overcome with what the world is shuffling in our faces. “Remember, oh remember”

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