I saw someone recently post: “Let’s normalize changing our opinions when we are presented with new information.”

They were referring to political opinions, but to me, this is the perfect framework for all of life.

It reminded me of another favorite phrase: “When people know better, they do better.

These all sound so good in theory.

But this is where the rubber meets the road in terms of religion.

Because guess what our brains really love?

Habits. Routine. Same old, same old.

Not changing.

The “natural man” within us wants us to stay the way we are.

But the natural man is an enemy to God.

And so, we try to use the information we learn in order to change.

We read scriptures, we listen to hours of General Conference, we attend church, we have conversations with loved ones, we read articles…

We learn more. We learn how to be better.

And when we gain that knowledge, we have to go through that painful but essential growth of repentance.

Every single day.

We use that knowledge to fuel change in our lives.

And that’s what enduring means. Repenting. Changing. Every day.

In that two-part process: learning more, and then changing to fit our new knowledge.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



One Response

  1. I have found that the easiest way to repent is to immerse myself into divine nature, holiness, virtue or any of the attributes of godliness. and when I do this my fallen nature or naturel man automatically leaves, gone, disappears! I don’t have to focus on the negativity or bondage of the natural man or carnal nature but on divine nature and its many attributes of freedom!

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