I’ve shared my favorite quote here before:

“If the problem can be solved, there is no use worrying about it;

“If it can’t be solved, worrying will do no good.”

I’ve always resonated with this idea that I don’t want to waste any of my personal peace worrying about things that are outside of my control.

But anytime I share this quote, someone always says:

“Yeah Cali, that’s great. But you can still DO things to change outcomes or influence decisions.”

And I’m 100% on board with that, too!

I think we can do both.

We can do absolutely everything that we can to solve problems or enact change.

AND we can be at peace with the things we cannot control.

And I think this beautiful scripture sums it all up:

“Let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed.” D&C 123:17

Just this week, I hit what seemed like a pretty major roadblock due to the decision of someone else, completely out of my control.

I was trying to figure out whether to lean into my inner calm, be at peace with the decision, and move on…

Or if I could resolutely, but cheerfully, problem solve ways around the issue.

It was a matter of prayer and a lot of discussion with other trusted confidants.

And I felt the nudge to get creative and try to make it work, still.

But either way, I knew I could feel peace no matter the outcome!

What a beautiful promise that we can find in Christ!

He wants us to act! He wants us to do everything that is in our control. He wants us to take that class, to send that email, to have that difficult discussion, to make a dramatic change.

And He wants us to do this CHEERFULLY.

Not so that we can fake it and look like nice people who are happy all the time.

But so that we can realize that we can still feel cheer and joy and peace while also standing our ground or setting boundaries.

It really is possible!

And then, we can stand still. We can trust that the arm of God will be revealed.

And we can believe that all things will work for our good.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



6 Responses

  1. Actually, I’ve been waiting for this verse of scripture in our study this year. Sadly, though, it will not be a gospel doctrine class discussion. In September 2009 my full time employment was downsized to 20 hours a week; a divorce was imminent, and I would soon lose my condo. I don’t remember how I came across this scripture, but it was then and continues to motivate me to go forward cheerfully doing all I can do, knowing the Lord will bless and strengthen me. I’m not good at putting my thoughts to words, so please know your words pretty much describes how I have lived my life since December 2009. Cheerfully doing all I can do doesn’t mean I haven’t experienced sadness, disappointment, difficulties, even sorrows, I put a smile on my face and move forward trying to do all I can, knowing the Lord will sustain and bless me. Thank you for these snippets. Sometimes your words resonate with my thoughts, and sometimes I’m opened up to something I never considered.

  2. Cali,
    This message is very timely and much needed! As someone who suffers from mild depression, I am constantly in search of small bits of encouragement that are easily digestible. Thank you for your inspiring words!

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