My kids were playing with play-doh the other day, creating their own tea party.

Purple play-doh plates, yellow balls of play-doh food, and giant globs of play-doh apple juice that my son insisted everyone sip.

They love play-doh.

Probably because it can become any kind of toy that they want it to be.

Play-doh does whatever my kids want it to do.

“We are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand.” (Isaiah 64:8)

Did anyone else catch the big theme of having WILLING hearts this past weekend in general conference?!

One of the scariest moments of my life was when I felt a strong prompting, confirmed in the temple, and confirmed over and over in other small ways, to quit my job.

I told Heavenly Father how much I loved my job.

But I also started to feel this willingness to do as He invited.

Slowly, I stopped telling Him how much I loved my job and instead told Him I would do what He would ask me to do to become the person only He knew I could be.

It was still scary to quit my job.

But I was willing to do it.

It was one of the biggest times I’ve felt that molding happen all at once in a dramatic way, but I actually know that my life has been filled with tiny, quieter little pinches, pulls, and folds along the way.

God isn’t looking for perfectly shaped masterpieces.

He just wants us to be clay instead of stone, and He’ll take care of the rest.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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