I’ve learned that you can’t force a toddler to eat anything.

No matter how much I may beg, bribe, or cheer…

My kid is the one who has to decide whether or not they will take the bite and chew.

Whether I like it or not…

They have complete agency on whether or not they eat that piece of food!

Christ and Philip both say this simple phrase:

“Come and see.” (John 1:39)

Unfortunately, no one can “come” nor “see” for us. ⁣

We have to be the ones to use our agency to come closer to Christ and to see what He sees.

We have to be proactive.

We invite the Spirit into our lives. We seek out answers. We let our faith grow.

And on the other hand, we can’t force anyone around us, including our own children, to “come and see.”

The Savior performed miracles here on the earth and still needed to invite others to come and see what He had to offer.

He couldn’t force anyone to believe in His divine role, and neither can we.

We can make the plate full of goodness and nutrition and tasty foods…

But we can’t force anyone to take a bite.

So how will we come a little closer to the Savior and see a little more clearly what He has to offer?

And how can we gently extend the same invitation to others?

Come, and see!

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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