Whenever I used to hear people complain about being sick while pregnant, I would say something like, “Oh, sorry,” and that was it.

It’s not that I didn’t care.

It just didn’t seem like a big deal to me.

… And then I got pregnant with my first child.

And I got SUPER sick.

After surviving (literally) that pregnancy, anytime someone shared how sick they were while pregnant, I would empathize with every little detail!

And now I’ve endured two more of those difficult pregnancies.

When people I know are pregnant, I let them vent endlessly.

I try to check in on them often.

In fact, it’s like this super sense of empathy that I’ve now developed for my fellow sisters who have to deal with any illness during pregnancy.

What hard things have you gone through?

Have you noticed how you begin to empathize with and love other people who are going through similar trials?

There seems to be a special connection that forms. ⁣

And it all stems from God. ⁣

“Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort;

“Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.” (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)

God knows how to comfort us when we need it.

So when we have to go through our own trials, we gain the ability to comfort others with that specific need.

It’s almost like a unique spiritual gift that we develop!

We can be the hands of God and comfort in the ways He would.

Considering the trials you’ve had to navigate in your life so far, what are your “comforting” superpowers that you can reach out with to the people around you?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. I suffer EVERYDAY with low back pain
    Yes I do feel empathy and sympathy for those who hurt. I always know when I see someone that is hurting I Pray I can be a comfort to them.♡♡♡ We have compassion ❤️ more and more for the Pain to lessen and for me a good lesson. Love and comfort for you All.

  2. Love this connection! When my oldest was born we moved to Japan for my husband’s work. It was absolutely the most difficult thing for me to move to a country where I didn’t speak the language, as a first time mom with a newborn. We eventually moved back to the states and then moved back again to Japan. Now anytime someone moves in and is struggling with that culture shock my heart goes out to them and I do all I can to help them through that process. Likewise I’m grateful for others who went through difficult experiences and have helped me as I navigate through similar ones.

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