What word has been swirling around in my head as we study this profound parable?


Have you noticed it in the parable of the Good Samaritan?

First, a priest and a Levite pass this “half-dead” man on the side of the road.

Probably pretty good people.

Probably with legitimate excuses to be somewhere.

Probably knew this guy didn’t really have a chance, or maybe even deserved the trouble he was in. ⁣

But then…

“A certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him”. (Luke 10:33)

The Samaritan passes the man and is filled with COMPASSION.

How are we doing with feeling compassion towards other people?

When we see a homeless individual on the side of the road, do we make fun of them and make some snide remark?

Or are we filled with COMPASSION?

When someone tells us they are going to do something and then they don’t, do we think negative thoughts about them or even “tell the story” to someone else?

Or are we filled with COMPASSION?

When a family member disappoints you, do you take it personally and add drama to it?

Or are you filled with COMPASSION?

But this Good Samaritan didn’t even stop at compassion!

After he was filled with COMPASSION, he acted.

He got right to work to solve the problem. ⁣

I love that. ⁣

When other people aren’t acting the way we think they should, let’s be filled with COMPASSION and then GET TO WORK. ⁣

When bad things happen to people we know, let’s be filled with COMPASSION and then GET TO WORK. ⁣

When we see people in need, let’s be filled with COMPASSION and then GET TO WORK.


It’s a beautiful duo.

A divine duo.

The perfect combination to make this famous Samaritan “good”.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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