How do you become less judgmental?

I’ve thought about this question a lot.

I can clearly and embarrassingly think back to times in my life where I was super judgmental and worried about other people.

From things as silly as clothing choices to things as serious as how others have handled trials, I’ve judged and compared.

Sometimes to make me feel better about myself.

And other times as a way to feel I wasn’t good enough.

Either way… not great.

As I’ve tried to “spiritually mature”, I’ve really been focused on the idea that the cure to comparison is COMPASSION.

Seeing a mom handle her kid in a way I wouldn’t and feeling compassion.

Seeing a mom celebrate a minor holiday in an elaborate way that her kids love and feeling compassion.

Hearing someone who is struggling with their relationship with the church and feeling compassion.

Hearing someone with much more gospel knowledge and greater study habits than I have and feeling compassion.

The prophet Micah taught:

“He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us”. (Micah 7:19)

The Lord has endless compassion.

Over and over, He turns toward us and extends His compassion and His understanding.

And I think He invites us to feel that same kind love for each other.

To be freed from the weight of needing to nudge and compare, to put down others or ourselves, and to add distance.

And to instead experience just a portion of the same compassion He encompasses.

Compassion over comparison.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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