Joseph received a lot of revelations as the Church began to be organized.
While we don’t know exactly what this process was like for him…
We know his inspiration usually started with a question.
And it included lots of pondering.
So when Joseph started teaching the saints everything he had learned from the Lord, he felt confident about what he was saying because he had felt the original inspiration.
But those Saints?
They needed to have Joseph’s inspiration confirmed to them.
The Lord described a command “Which was given by inspiration, and is confirmed to others.” (D&C 20:10)
It’s a pattern I’ve seen my whole life.
Both in the Church and in families.
Someone who is qualified receives inspiration:
A new family habit that mom and dad think should be implemented.
A calling that needs to be extended by a Stake President.
An idea from a committee member about how the Relief Society activity could be more effective.
Others then work toward receiving confirmation of their inspiration.
Sometimes, that confirmation is immediate.
But other times, it takes a while.
That new counsel or calling takes a bit to settle.
Emotions may get in the way of an initial confirmation.
… And so we have to wait.
But when it comes, it is powerful.
Sometimes, we receive the inspiration.
And sometimes, we wait patiently for the confirmation.
“Brigham Young is reported to have said that the greatest fear he had was that members of the Church would take what he said as the mind and will of God without first praying and obtaining a witness of the same for themselves.” – L. Tom Perry
Happy Studying!
-Cali Black