When I was almost 21, I made the very serious decision to not serve a mission for the church. ⁣

I had just met a cute guy named Kyle, things were going well, but I still felt like I wanted to serve a mission. ⁣

I asked Heavenly Father over and over in prayer to point me in the right direction, and I finally heard a weighty answer:

“You can decide. Whatever you want to do.”⁣

I realized that I was going to have to make this decision and own it. ⁣

After a lot of deliberation, I solemnly but excitedly decided to forgo the mission. ⁣

I made Kyle promise me that we would serve a mission someday as a couple, because I didn’t want to miss out on the opportunity to serve. ⁣

Now, I still totally want to serve a full-time mission when I’m older, but I’m also realizing that I kind of missed the point. ⁣

We are reminded by the Lord’s revelation to Joseph Smith Sr. that “if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work”. (D&C 4:3)⁣

Desires = mission call. ⁣

Instead of packing up my entire life and moving across the world though, I get the crazy, scary, exciting, agency-packed honor of picking my mission.

Each of us with a desire to serve gets to create exactly how and when we serve!⁣

Maybe you have created your own custom mission call to lift up those who are having hard times around you. ⁣

Maybe you have created your own custom mission call to spread light to your coworkers every day. ⁣

Maybe your call is to teach the rising generation of the saints how to eat their vegetables and share toys and use the toilet. ⁣

Maybe your call is to organize service activities with precision and enthusiasm. ⁣

Maybe your call is to work on strengthening your own testimony for a bit before you have the opportunity to share it with other people. ⁣

The possibilities are endless, and constantly evolving, and extremely personal. ⁣

So what does your mission call look like today?⁣

How can you help build the kingdom?⁣

How can you help gather scattered Israel?⁣

What’s your custom mission call?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



6 Responses

  1. Although my body is crippled I also hoped to serve a mission one day. That day came because of my enthusiasm for Family History and a request for Members to accept an 18 month mission for FamilySearch. It was difficult because of changes happening in the organization, but it was very rewarding to help Church Members and those outside of the Church to solve their issues.

  2. I love the encouragement that we each have our own calling. So many times people like to make “little boxes of what is right” for everyone.

  3. I believe if you accept callings in the church and fulfill them to the best of your ability that you are serving a mission that the Lord has called you to. Never turn down a calling as they help you to grow spiritually as you serve the Lord and your fellow children of God.

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