Where is my testimony grounded?

I’ve had to ask myself that question many times.

I’ve had other people ask me this question many times.

Because it’s been grounded in the wrong places before.

It’s been grounded in that fun leader who made me enjoy going to church.

It’s been grounded in having cool callings.

It’s been grounded in girls camp.

It’s been grounded in really nice people.

It’s been grounded in having a good social life and network.

And many more places that aren’t necessarily bad places to be at all.

But those things aren’t lasting.

So I’ve had to ask myself, “What do I really believe? What is this all about?“

It’s Jesus.

It’s His words and His teachings.

It’s His commandments and His covenants.

“The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.” (Psalm 19:7)

My soul is deeply, deeply converted to Jesus’ perfect word.

His word was given in ancient Old Testament times.

His word was taught and lived as an example in New Testament times.

His word was practiced and experienced in Book of Mormon times.

His word was reiterated in modern times.

The law, the commandments, the teachings, the covenants.

They aren’t new. They are everlasting.

And they truly and completely convert my soul.

It’s all about Jesus.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. My testimony has always been grounded in Jesus. He is my Savior and Redeemer. He has seen me through every hardship and every joy in my life. I am nothing with out Him and the Father and the Holy Ghost. We have a Prophet that leads us to as was done in old times but sometimes when we read the scriptures we don’t see it. Thank you for the reminder.

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