Convincing us things will stay the same

If there’s anything these last couple months have taught me, it’s that nothing is ever guaranteed to stay the same.

Stable jobs, concerts, ceremonies, activities, routine meetings…

Nothing is guaranteed.

Sometimes, this is great. Sometimes, this is sad.

When Abinadi was preaching that King Noah and his people would be destroyed if they didn’t repent, this is how King Noah’s priests consoled him:

You’ve already prospered in the land! This means you will continue to prosper! No need to change anything! You’re obviously doing great!

I think the adversary likes to focus on things staying the same.

You have a bad habit? You’ll never overcome it.

You aren’t getting any sleep right now because of the baby? It will always be this bad and you should feel overwhelmed and frustrated.

Your life is going super well even though you aren’t keeping the commandments you know you should? Then obviously those commandments aren’t important and don’t make a difference.

But our Savior?

He’s all about change.

You’ve got a bad habit? Let me help you overcome this.

Your baby isn’t sleeping? Find peace in my love. Things will get better, and I can give you strength to endure this well.

Your life is going well without keeping the commandments right now? You are missing out on a lot of peace and joy, and the natural consequences will eventually become more clear.

Nothing ever stays the same.

And that is the best news, ever.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. When I was a new mother with 3 kids under 4, I told an older friend that I nap everyday. As if I was ashamed of that. She said, “don’t worry nothing stays the same.” It was the best piece of advice I ever received. Well except when my mom told me that 6:30 pm should be bedtimes in our house!

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