It seems complicated. Even impossible.

Creating Zion requires multiple people each doing really good things.

I can’t just create Zion on my own. Right?

“The Lord called his people ZION, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them.” (Moses 7:18)

But I think the real question is…

Am I doing my part to build Zion?

“Love and kindness are at the center of having Zion in our hearts and homes.” Quentin L. Cook

This is the essence of the gospel, right?

Love and kindness.

We say those words so often that sometimes I think I forget what they mean.

Love— like REAL love.

It’s easy to say, “I love everyone!”

It’s easy to think we love everyone from far away.

But I’ve noticed it’s really difficult to actually love someone if I don’t know them or if I haven’t prayed for them.

It’s a lot harder to love up close.

When I’ve needed to love a child more, I’ve prayed like crazy about them.

When I’ve needed to love an acquaintance more, I’ve asked them questions to get to know them better.

Kindness— another overused but such an important word.

Are my outward actions kind?

Even if they “deserved” the response they got?

Even if they made me annoyed?

Being kind to everyone is actually super difficult, especially when I’m running on empty.

Love and kindness.

It sounds too simple, and yet I’ve found it is pretty complicated.

But I’m working every day to be a bit better, to do my part to create Zion.

To lift up those who are poor in spirit and poor in circumstance around me.

Not because I am a perfect person, but because I know who the Perfect Person is.

I’m pointed toward Him, and I can help do my best to point others toward Him, too.

And I think that’s how I’m working to build Zion, a little bit of love and kindness at a time.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



6 Responses

  1. When I was a sophomore in 78/79 we had a Seminary project that was church wide called The Zion Project. We were to act like we were in Zion for the hour we were in class.ater we were to take that attitude to home, school, etc… it was so exciting! Really affected the rest of my HS years. And I still have my Gates of Zion songbook and record!

    1. What a great idea! Thank you so much for sharing. It’s amazing how a small experience like that can make such a big difference in our lives.

    2. That really impacted me, too! Our bishop even had us go in pairs and teach families in the ward the things we had been doing in seminary. I felt like the whole ward was really trying to be more kind and loving.
      Now I’m in a very different circumstance, and it can be so difficult being with people who don’t want to be of one heart and mind. But that doesn’t give me an excuse for not being of one heart and mind with God. I appreciate what Cali said. I can focus on kindness and love.

      1. Thank you so much! It sounds like you have had some really great experiences with this as well. Thank you for sharing! 🙂

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