The power to CREATE is one of the biggest forces in existence!

“And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight”. (Genesis 2:9)

I think of God, and Jesus, and Adam, and possibly others using their powers of creation to bring plants, trees, oceans, stars, birds, and so much more into existence.

And yet, we have been given the power to create, too.

And not just with a canvas and a paintbrush, because honestly, I don’t do great creating there.

Being “creative” is usually seen as the composer, the drama teacher, the artist, the quilter, the chef…

But we each have so much that we are able to create each day.

We can create what our attitude is like.

We can create the family culture in our home.

We can create love and acceptance where there wasn’t any before.

We can create strong testimonies by studying areas we wish we knew more about.

We can create time to make God a priority in our life.

We can create memories with those we love.

We can create stronger relationships by choosing to serve others.

We can create peace even when surrounded by chaos.

We can create laughter while doing hard work at the same time.

We can create unity where there was judgment and division.

Creation is powerful.

It’s the opposite of being a victim of your circumstances, and realizing that you have the power to create intangible, but no less real, results in your life.

“Our campfire of faith can encourage us to find joy in wholesome creativity. There is joy in imagining, learning, doing worthwhile new things.” (Gerrit W. Gong)

And it can all be tied back to faith.

Faith, placed correctly in Jesus Christ, can give us the courage and the strength to create these moments and these feelings each day.

The great Creator can even guide us in what to create, and when.

So, what have you created today?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



6 Responses

  1. Oh how I needed this today! Creating what our attitude is like hit home HARD. Today was rough and I let it stay that way by having a bad attitude about it. As I sit here and reflect on what was actually rough, I probably made it harder and created chaos! Tomorrow is a new day…

    Love your thoughts. Thank you for sharing.

    1. I have been there! And thanks to the Atonement we can always make changes and choose to be better. Thank you for sharing!

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