“My God, my God, why has thou forsaken me?”⁣

Make sure to read Matthew 27 sometime on this Good Friday. It will bring tears to your eyes. ⁣

▪️ There was nothing fair about his “trial”⁣

▪️ The soldiers stripped him and put him in a scarlet robe⁣

▪️ They put a crown of thorns on his head⁣

▪️ They bowed down on one knee, mocking him and saying “Hail, King of the Jews”⁣

▪️ They spit on him and hit him on the head with a reed⁣

▪️ They gave him vinegar to drink⁣

▪️ They cast lots for his clothes⁣

▪️ They wrote THIS IS JESUS KING OF THE JEWS above his cross⁣

▪️ They mocked him as he hung on the cross⁣

AND THEN JESUS cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”⁣

Christ was asking, begging, pleading why his Father in Heaven had forgotten about him. ⁣

Why had these people been allowed to be so cruel, so purely evil to the Savior of the world?⁣

I don’t know the intricacies of the answer, but I guarantee that Heavenly Father had NOT forgotten about His Only Begotten Son, the Lamb of God, who was being mocked, tortured, and slain. ⁣

Christ’s crucifixion teaches us that we are NEVER forgotten by our God above. 

Even when it feels like we have been. 

Even when terrible things are happening to us. ⁣

But it’s also okay to FEEL like we might be forgotten in our lowest lows. Christ did.

Because the greatest miracle of all time was just three days away. God knew the suffering would come to an end. He knew the big picture. ⁣

And God knows the big miracles that are just around the corner for us. ⁣

THAT is what is GOOD about this Friday: What is to come.

“Christ at the Cross” by Carl Bloch

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



7 Responses

  1. Christ may have felt abandoned by His Father, but He needed to feel the feelings which we all feel from time to time to complete His mortal ministry. But, like the man observing the single set of footprints on the beach, wondering why he had been forsaken then realizing that they were not his footprints, but our Saviour’s footprints as He carried him through his trial, God the Father and our Saviour support us in more ways than we realize, even letting us struggle from time to time for our growth and learning, but we are never left completely alone.

  2. I live alone and the self-isolation of the past month has been hard. Your daily messages of faith gave me something to look forward to each morning. Thank you for your enlightening insights from the scriptures and your encouragement for good things yet to come.

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