This scripture always makes me think of the story of the boy who cried wolf.

The boy kept calling for everyone to come and help with the wolf. But he wasted their time – there was no wolf.

Eventually, he cried “Wolf” so many times that no one came to help him when the wolf actually arrived.

Because of our fallen mortal state, we’ve been conditioned to think that we only have a certain amount of tries before we are really just a faker and a liar.

We see this modeled all around us – you only get so many second chances before you lose trust.

“I’m not really as good as people think I am. They have no idea how often I…”

But the Lord NEVER gives up on us.

He NEVER gets to the point where we say, “Okay, NOW I’ll never yell at my kids again” and He rolls his eyes.

He’s cheering us on. Every time. Even when we feel like a hypocrite. Even when we keep those same sins going week after week, year after year…

The moment we decide we want to change, we’ve got the Lord on our side.

And when that change doesn’t last, but we feel that motivation to repent and change again, He’s by our side again.

As many times as it takes.

Thank goodness.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



9 Responses

  1. I always appreciate your perceptions, Cari. I forwarded this msg to a dear sweet sister this morning.

  2. There is no other way to express my devotion that I have for my Heavenly Father, but to show my gratitude and love simply by serving Him and others for the amount of love that He has given me.

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