When I first got the strong impression to quit the teaching job that I loved so much, I wanted to be willing to follow the impression.

And teeeeechnically I was.

I put in my notice and got ready to leave.

But I noticed that my thoughts kept turning to almost “accusing” thoughts toward the Spirit for the (very strong and undeniable) prompting that I was following.

“Okay, fine, I’m doing what I’m supposed to do! I hope there’s something good in the future.”

“I’m not sure how this is going to work out.”

“You told me to do this and I’m just following the prompting.”

I wanted the Lord to answer all of my questions.

I wanted Him to eliminate any sign of doubt or risk.

And if He wouldn’t, then I felt like I had a reason to be frustrated.

Has your life ever gone in a completely different direction than you had hoped or expected?

I LOVE young Mary’s strong example.

When she learned about a future that she very much had not expected for herself, she didn’t turn accusatory.

Instead, she turned curious.

“How shall this be?” (Luke 1:34)

She was humble and faith-filled and curious

I’ve found much more connection with God when I’ve focused on asking my questions with a “curious” mindset instead of an “accusing” mindset.

“Oh, I’m supposed to quit my job? Wow, that is scary, but I’m really interested to see what exciting things You have planned for my life next!”

In fact, I think our questions to the Lord tend to reveal a lot about our hearts!

When we receive an answer from the Lord, do we show distrust and resentment, even if we align our actions?

Or do we show humility and faith in the way we approach the Lord with our questions?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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