Did you know 1 Peter inspired D&C 138?!

In 1918, Joseph F. Smith read this verse and started to ponder:

“By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison”. (1 Peter 3:19)

As President Joseph F. Smith pondered, he received a glorious vision that is now recorded in D&C Section 138. ⁣

I know this is a busy week for everyone, but if you have 15 minutes, I HIGHLY suggest listening to Elder Ballard’s 2018 talk, “The Vision of the Redemption of the Dead”.

Elder Ballard spoke extensively about Pres Smith’s life and circumstances surrounding this vision. It is heartbreaking and inspiring. ⁣

But how can we learn from Pres Joseph F. Smith’s example? ⁣

What was he doing as he read 1 Peter, just as we are this week?⁣

He pondered. ⁣

What does that mean to you?⁣

To me, I’ve realized that pondering requires 3 things:



Pondering means I have time to let my mind wander as I read the scriptures!⁣

I know, so many of us try to avoid letting our mind wander as we read.

But I find some of my best pondering comes as I actually encourage my mind to wander after reading different verses. ⁣


This means the scriptures are important in my mind. ⁣

Even when I’m not reading them, I have thoughts throughout the day that continue to bring me back to what I was reading that morning. ⁣

I try to think about my scripture study often. ⁣


I try to make as many personal connections as I can to what I’m reading. ⁣

I think about stories that have happened to me, stories I’ve heard from others, or conference talks that relate to the subject.

Making connections leads me to ponder and receive revelation with new insights I would get from just the text alone. ⁣

Joseph F. Smith pondered on 1 Peter and was blessed with beautiful revelation for the people he had stewardship over, which happened to be the entire church membership. ⁣

When I ponder the scriptures, I can receive direct and personal revelation to the people I have stewardship over, including myself, my family members, and people connected to my church calling. ⁣

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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