We have a shoe basket in our house.

This is where we keep any shoes that are used often enough to stay downstairs.

It’s a good-sized basket, which means that sometimes shoes fall to the bottom, making them difficult to find.

When it’s time to leave the house and put shoes on, sometimes I’ll notice that one of my 2 year old’s shoes has fallen to the bottom of the basket.

So I’ll dig his shoe out and place it on top.

And THEN I’ll ask him to go find his shoes and put them on.

He goes and finds his shoes and puts them on by himself, and I cheer him on like crazy! He loves putting shoes on.

He might think the task is still difficult.

He still gets frustrated sometimes when he can’t find a shoe that seems to be obviously placed on top of the pile.

But he has no idea that I made his task much easier and much more appropriate for his abilities.

This is similar to the spiritual foresight that the mighty prophetess and judge Deborah had.

Barak was terrified to go against the powerful Canaanite army.

It seemed like a difficult task.

He didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t see the path forward that would end in success.

But Deborah wisely said:

“Is not the Lord gone out before thee?” (Judges 4:14)

She knew that if the Lord was asking them to accomplish a task, then He had made it doable.

She knew He had prepared the way, removing obstacles that they might not ever be aware of.

She knew He knew exactly what their abilities were, and what they needed in order to be successful.

It’s fun to see the obvious hand of the Lord preparing our paths— when the house suddenly becomes available, or that person returns your call, or that teacher has a change of mind.

But other times we just have to trust that the Lord is preparing our paths in ways that we aren’t aware of.

He is before us, and He will prepare a way to help us accomplish anything we are asked to do.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. I believe He prepares our way all. the. time. I often wonder how shocked we would be if we actually saw ALL the times He has been aware of situations and blessed us.

  2. I love the toddler´s shoe analogy! We are so like that many times, and to the Lord, we must seem like a two year old.

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