One of my biggest strengths (and also biggest weakness) is that I’m really good at taking personal responsibility and fixing things. ⁣

An event didn’t work out the way I was planning?

I think: How could I have improved the interaction and turn out?⁣

I didn’t get the job?

I think: How could I have presented myself and my experience better?⁣

My kid is developing a bad habit?

I think: How am I contributing to it and how can I help her stop?⁣

It’s honestly a really useful trait in my life that keeps me from playing the victim. ⁣

…But it gets a little tricky when it comes to trials and suffering. ⁣

(I heard once that all weaknesses are just the flip sides of our strengths, and I think it’s totally true!)

Sometimes I need to remember that life is messy, and hard things happen just because they happen. ⁣

Not everything needs to be or even can be solved. ⁣

“Not all the whirlwinds in life are of your own making. Some come because of the wrong choices of others, and some come just because this is mortality.” – Neil L. Anderson

King Limhi’s people were really good at recognizing when their problems were because of their iniquities. ⁣

“For if this people had not fallen into transgression the Lord would not have suffered that this great evil should come upon them.” (Mosiah 7:25)

I can relate! Sometimes I’m not feeling the Spirit and realize it’s because I’ve let some of the important little things slide. ⁣

Sometimes, we need to do better at acknowledging our suffering is because of our own poor choices. ⁣

But other times, we need to remember that all people, good and bad, throughout history have faced trials of all shapes and sizes, just because this is a fallen world filled with mortal people. ⁣

And the cool part is that no matter what causes our suffering – ourselves, people around us, or just circumstances…⁣

The answer is always the same!

Even when we can’t determine the cause— we aren’t sure if we caused it or if it just happened…

We can always turn to our Savior for relief and peace.

More Jesus is the answer, no matter the cause.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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