Different answers, same result

Two different groups: Limhi and his people, and Alma and his people. Oppressed by Lamanites. Wanting to escape to Zarahemla.

First group: Limhi thought about how to escape. He asked the people for ideas. Gideon came up with a plan that seemed like a good idea.

So they gave strong wine to the Lamanite guards, and escaped while they were in a drunken sleep. It worked!

Second group: Alma and his people prayed, and the Lord told them to just wait a little bit longer. Finally, the Lord told Alma that they would escape that night, and that everyone should gather their things.

The Lamanite guards were in a deep, unexplained sleep, and Alma’s people all escaped.

The Lord answers the prayers of his people.

But He answers prayers in different ways for different people, situations, and times.

Limhi had to figure it out. He had to use the people and the resources he had, come up with a plan, and execute it.

How empowering!

WE can solve it own problems! WE can wrestle and come up with ideas, consider them all, and then execute the best plan of attack!

Alma had to rely on the Lord. It seemed impossible, but THE LORD came up with the plan. HE told them what to do. HE made the solution possible.

How faith-promoting!

The Lord will make a way, even when it seems impossible! He will make miracles happen! We just follow the promptings we receive, and the rest will be taken care of.

I’m grateful for the times in my life where I’ve been allowed to figure things out. To struggle to learn new skills, to be creative, to make scary decisions and then move forward with them.

And I’m also grateful for the times when I feel lost and I can feel the Lord guiding me and proving the miracles that I need in order to move forward.

Different times. Different people. Different answers.

But still the same result.

Artwork by James Coates

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. Cali
    I’m enjoying your snippets so much!
    I wish I had known about them in the first of the Book of Mormon!
    Do you have all your snippets from the beginning anywhere I could access them?

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, all of my snippets are housed here on my website! You can use the main menu to browse through the different months, and find the corresponding chapter assignments/thoughts! 🙂

  2. I just want to thank you for sharing this, it has helped me so much as I study the scriptures and go through my life❤️

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