Does eating a piece of bread and drinking a cup of water make all of your sins go away?

Does being dunked underwater cleanse your soul?

Does someone placing their hands on your head remove sickness from your body?


These actions mean absolutely nothing…

Without the power of Jesus Christ.

It is our Savior’s atoning sacrifice that allows us to partake of the sacrament and have our sins forgiven.

It is our Savior’s atoning sacrifice that allows us to be baptized and have our souls cleansed.

It is our Savior’s atoning sacrifice that allows us to receive a blessing that can heal us.

And that same power has been given to people here on earth to allow all of God’s children the opportunity to repent, be cleansed, be healed, and so much more.

We know this as priesthood power.

It was a quiet day in May of 1829 when Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery were the first people in this dispensation to receive this now-restored priesthood power.

The Restoration Proclamation teaches: “The resurrected John the Baptist restored the authority to baptize by immersion for the remission of sins.”

This simple priesthood restoration would eventually flood the earth.

“Priesthood keys distinguish The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from any other organization on earth.

“Many other organizations can and do make your life better here in mortality.

“But no other organization can and will influence your life after death.” – President Russell M. Nelson

What a miracle it is to be alive when God’s priesthood power is available to each of us to cleanse, heal, and empower us.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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