I remember learning in my high school physics class that we actually don’t know WHY gravity exists.

There are quite a few theories out there…

But no scientist has ever figured out how to prove that the law of gravity is 100% true 100% of the time. ⁣

So how do we know gravity exists?!

Even though we can’t see gravity or find exact proof for why it happens, I think we can be very confident in expecting it to work because of all the evidence around us.

Every single day, gravity has existed and worked in my life.

So it seems extremely reasonable to continue to expect gravity to work the same way in the future.

You see where I’m going, right?

Alma was preaching to the poor and lowly amongst the Zoramites.

He gave a beautiful analogy comparing our faith to planting a seed and nourishing it. ⁣

But then he addressed the question that I think many of us have grappled with:⁣

How can we possibly KNOW the gospel is true while here on this earth?

“⁣And now, behold, because ye have tried the experiment, and planted the seed, and it swelleth and sprouteth, and beginneth to grow, ye must needs know that the seed is good.” (Alma 32:33)

We can know because we’ve planted the seed, given it a chance, and it’s brought forth good fruit. ⁣

And we’ve seen others plant the same seed, given it nourishment and time, and it’s brought forth good fruit, too. ⁣

And eventually, we notice that this has happened so many times–

People hearing about Christ, having a desire to believe, nourishing their faith, holding fast while the sun scorches, and then bringing forth beautiful lives filled with service and happiness.⁣

Over and over and over again.

It becomes like a law of nature to us. ⁣

We’ve run the experiment enough.

We can trust in the good fruit of the results.

And we can expect that following the gospel of Jesus Christ will continue to yield peace and joy.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. Thank you, once again, for an enlightening, ah-ha moment. I will be referring to this when I teach my institute class in the fall.

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