Do you agree with this?

“You learn obedience during the hardest times in your life.”

I can think of a time when my husband and I were struggling financially, and I couldn’t find a job anywhere.

He was in school, and I wasn’t getting hired anywhere in a timely manner.

That time of suffering refined me!

I immersed myself in the gospel and learned how to obey with exactness.

(And we saw huge blessings from tithing.)

But I can also think of another time when I was dealing with some tough emotional trials, and I let go of many of my good, spiritual habits.

I felt that I had too much going on and didn’t spend time growing closer to the Lord.

Paul taught:

“Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered.” (Hebrews 5:8)

Obedience can be learned through suffering.

But it comes down to a choice:

Will we let suffering push us to cling to our obedience and the Lord?

Or will we let it be an excuse to turn away from obedience?

I’ve done it both ways.

And the light that came into my life when I continued to turn to obedience during tough times was so, so powerful!

I have fond memories of that really tough financial time.

I learned that focusing on Jesus Christ and obeying every command brought me peace during an uncertain time.

Suffering can bring us closer to the Lord—

If we let it.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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