Did you know we are WARNED not to do this?!

The scriptures warn us not to “love the world”.

But why would this be a warning for us?

I think it’s because every second of time we spend loving the world is a second less to spend loving our family members and neighbors.

Every dollar we hoard because we love money is one less dollar we are willing to depart with as tithes and donations. ⁣

Every moment we focus on our own vanity is a moment taken away from worshiping the Lord and serving others.

John taught,

“Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” (1 John 2:15)

When we love the Lord first,

And we love our families and our neighbors,

Then volunteering to donate our precious time and resources seems a lot easier.

If you find that a love of the world might be preventing you from serving God fully…

You are not alone.

This can be tough to eliminate completely while living in such a mortal world.

But we can all try starting small.

What is one tiny way to give up something “worldly” to spend more meaningful time worshiping the Lord and loving your family?

I think that’s an especially interesting question at this time of the year.

It can be powerful and spiritually rejuvenating to sacrifice some of the flashy stuff.

To intentionally sacrifice.

In order to give more love.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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