I know that my Redeemer LIVES.

What comfort this sweet sentence gives!

HE LIVES, HE LIVES, who once was dead.

HE LIVES, my ever-living Head.

HE LIVES to bless me with his love.

HE LIVES to plead for me above. 

HE LIVES my hungry soul to feed. 

HE LIVES to bless in time of need. 

HE LIVES to grant me rich supply.

HE LIVES to guide me with his eye.

HE LIVES to comfort me when faint.

HE LIVES to hear my soul’s complaint.

HE LIVES to silence all my fears.

HE LIVES to wipe away my tears.

HE LIVES to calm my troubled heart.

HE LIVES all blessings to impart.⁣

HE LIVES, my kind, wise heav’nly Friend.

HE LIVES and loves me to the end.

HE LIVES, and while he lives, I’ll sing.

HE LIVES, my Prophet, Priest, and King.

HE LIVES and grants me daily breath.

HE LIVES, and I shall conquer death.

HE LIVES my mansion to prepare.

HE LIVES to bring me safely there.⁣

HE LIVES! All glory to his name!

HE LIVES, my Savior, still the same.

Oh, sweet the joy this sentence gives:


It’s a song that we hear often, but one that you might be missing out on singing with a congregation today.

And in its words, it holds the greatest collection of truths I have ever found in one place about our Savior.

HE LIVES. And he has innumerable roles as he helps me to become more like him.

I find that different lines of this song stick out to me at different times in my life. Right now, I really like: HE LIVES, my hungry soul to feed.⁣

Which phrase is the one that stands out to you today?

There is no end to the blessings that come to us because HE LIVES.

Happy Easter! 

“The Resurrected Christ” by Wilson J. Ong

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



3 Responses

  1. The phrase that sticks out to me most, and especially at this time is:

    He lives to bless in time of need

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