I’ve noticed that I want Christ to solve my problems a lot.

I want my baby to stop crying and go back to sleep.

I want someone else to clean up when I’m exhausted but people are coming over soon.

I want someone to tell me how to solve my problem.

But what Christ really does, is that He almost always enables me to get things done.

I am given extra strength. Extra willpower. Extra grit. Extra patience. Extra faith.

When I lean on Christ, He doesn’t take over and do my work for me.

Instead, when I lean on Him, I do even more work than I could do on my own.

Sometimes, I literally feel that extra strength boosting me forward when I didn’t think I had anything in me.

My baby still cries, but I feel more calm about it and am given perspective that this is just a phase.

I feel the energy to clean even when I’m exhausted, but I also start to realize that friends don’t need to see a spotless home when they come over.

I feel a little prompting for how I might solve my problem, and as I act, the solution is slowly lit up before me.

He wants me to solve my problems because He wants me to grow.

But He’s not going to expect me to grow without giving me the power to grow with Him.

By myself, I am weak. I am flawed and mortal.

And with Him, I get a glimpse at who I can become.

Someone who is still surrounded by the trials and distractions and annoyances and frustrations.

But someone who is, through Christ, able to get the things done that matter most, and to let the other things slide out of my zone of worry.

Christ is an enabler, in the best way possible.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



6 Responses

  1. When we rely on Him, he gives us the power to accomplish anything! Ultimately, the power is in us through Him. ♥️ I’ve come to learn this in my life, and I love to utilize this knowledge every day. Thank you so much for sharing this!

  2. it is not necessary to share the above comment, unless you really feel inspired to do so.
    It’s pretty sacred to me.


    1. I really appreciated your comment. Thank you so much for sharing. I’ll keep it as a private comment, but what an amazing experience. All the blessings to you <3

  3. Thank you Sister Black,
    I’m often exhausted; I needed that perspective.
    May God Bless you,
    Sister Timberman

    1. I’m glad you could appreciate the perspective. It’s not easy when you have so much to do, but you can do it!

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