Compassion literally means “to suffer together”.

I’ve wondered a lot this week about why Enoch was the guy who created this literal Zion city here on earth.

There have been so many mighty prophets and righteous people beforehand and since, and I don’t think that Enoch was objectively THE most righteous.

But what was his special gift, his spiritual superpower that made him perfect for this particular role of creating a Zion community?

And the word COMPASSION couldn’t help but jump out as I read Moses 7.

This guy wept when he learned of terrible destruction that would happen.

He wept when he saw the Savior crucified.

He wept when he saw latter-day destruction.

But he didn’t just cry and feel sad about these things:

He always tried to do something about it.

He saw Noah’s flood?

Enoch wept, and he also pled with the Lord to make a covenant to bless Noah’s seed who would remain on earth.

He saw even more destruction?

Enoch wept and asked the Lord when our poor Mother Earth would get relief from having to bear the pains of mankind.

He saw more wickedness and the Savior being slain?

Enoch asked if the Lord would come again to bring peace.

What a fantastic example of compassion, right?!

He saw the suffering of others, whether it was his fellow man, the Earth, or the Savior.

And he wept because of the pain they were enduring.

And THEN, he did what he could to try to relieve their suffering, or to at least learn about what would relieve it.

We don’t get many details about what Enoch actually did in his city with the righteous people who lived there.

But I imagine this pattern was repeated day in and day out.

Tough times would happen. Someone would come to battle against them. Someone would lose a loved one. Someone would mentally and emotionally have a rough day.

And people would notice, mourn, and do what they could to help.

Over and over.

Compassion. Enoch showed it, the Lord shows it, and each member of a Zion community shows it, too.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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