The miraculous followed by the mundane. ⁣

As a mom, I think this could be my autobiography title. ⁣

I have studied the scriptures, revelation pouring out upon me, prayers being answered⁣…

and then my baby needs to be fed.

I have shared emotional stories with friends and bonded on a deep level⁣…

until one of our kids begs us to take them to the potty right now. ⁣

Church lessons where I’m feeling so connected to the material being taught…

and then my toddler starts screaming and I have to step out into the hallway. ⁣

I imagine Ammon going to feed King Lamoni’s horses with the same feeling. ⁣

The horses need to be fed. Someone has to do it. ⁣

“And they said unto him: Behold, he is feeding thy horses.

“Now the king had commanded his servants, previous to the time of the watering of their flocks, that they should prepare his horses and chariots, and conduct him forth to the land of Nephi;

“for there had been a great feast appointed at the land of Nephi, by the father of Lamoni, who was king over all the land.” (Alma 18:9)

It doesn’t matter what miracle just occurred, what powerful General Conference talk you just listened to, what message you just shared…⁣

someone always needs to eat. ⁣

Whether it’s the King’s horses or my little messy kids’ faces. ⁣

But that’s the way I want it now. ⁣

Because in the mundane, I also find the miraculous. ⁣

The making oatmeal, the rocking to sleep, the millionth load of laundry⁣…

is all really sanctified service.⁣

When I’m in the right mindset about it, I’m showing my love.

I’m showing pure love to these small humans who can’t do much on their own. ⁣

And so I go back and forth, from miraculous to mundane. ⁣

But I can do it all with LOVE.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. Oh my gosh, YES! This snippet has pulled me back to my younger years when my children were so young. I find it beautiful that even in the mundane moments of life we are given opportunities to see, feel, and speak truths about Christ. It’s beautiful that we are allowed to have experienced of Joy in what we may call our mediocre, or mundane life.

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