Six years ago, when I had the sudden thought to start this account and share my thoughts about Come, Follow Me, I immediately shot the idea down. ⁣

“No way, not me! I’m not starting an account. That seems like a big commitment. Is that something I could even do?”⁣

And just as quickly as I came up with my objections, I heard the Lord speak in my mind:⁣

“It is not meet that I should command in all things… Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness”. (D&C 58:26-27)⁣

Boom. ⁣

The Lord put the ball in my court, and I went for it. I started the account and shared my testimony each day of what I was learning. ⁣

But why did D&C 58:26-27 pop into my mind?⁣

Because I had just studied those scriptures that morning. ⁣

I had just been in the scriptures, studying these words that the Lord had previously spoken. ⁣

He didn’t speak to me in foreign, unfamiliar words. ⁣

He used the words that I had just given Him. ⁣

And that’s what He did for young Joseph. ⁣

The Lord wanted to give Joseph a special message. ⁣

He knew of Joseph’s confusion around religion. He knew of the turmoil that swirled in his head. ⁣

And the Lord wanted to tell Joseph that he could just ask for help. ⁣

But the way He told Joseph this required action from the young boy. ⁣

Joseph had to be in his scriptures. ⁣

And then, he read the words. ⁣

James 1:5. ⁣

And the Lord used those words to speak directly to Joseph. To give him direction for his next step. ⁣

This is why I love studying the scriptures. ⁣

I want Him to be able to get any message through to me, because He has plenty of scriptural words, fresh in my mind, to pull from. ⁣

I want to expand the Lord’s vocabulary in my life.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



One Response

  1. I am so glad you took action on the prompting you were given. Your efforts have made a difference to me in my gospel studying and teaching. Thank you

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