You know what used to totally bug me, but now I’ve come to totally love recently?

You can’t prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, in a way that all bystanders would agree with, that the gospel of Jesus Christ is true.

To me, yes, there is tons of evidence to prove it.

Enough for me to feel completely confident turning my heart over to Him and dedicating my life to this work.

But we can’t actually prove it to other people.

It will always take just a little bit of faith.

A little bit of trust. A little bit of listening to your feelings and your heart more than your head.

The Lord taught the saints in Ohio in D&C 63:9 that:

“Faith cometh not by signs, but signs follow those that believe.”

Proving the gospel is true and that Christ really exists, is never going to be enough to really convert someone.

Including ourselves.

Piling up all the evidence can only get my mind so far.

I have to rely on the faith that comes in my heart to keep me truly converted.

Faith can not come by signs, or proofs, or total knowledge.

In fact, I usually am not so great at recognizing signs or miracles until AFTER they have happened.

Hindsight is 20/20, right?

Our Heavenly Father WANTS us to have faith.

He wants us to believe first.

The world thinks that it’s a little silly.

But that’s okay, for I’m learning to overcome what the world thinks, anyways.

Belief and faith first, and then come the miracles.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



7 Responses

  1. Thankyou for your down to earth approach to teaching???????? Very relatable, helpful and comforting. ????

  2. I think you would love reading an article in the Ensign that settled me about questions that come up like yours! I struggled with sharing the gospel with others because of “proving” what I knew! Then I read “Faith and Intellect” by Melissa Wei-Tsing Inouye. It taught me that we all have “languages “ that we each understand; such as physics. Those who understand the language of physics spent time and energy to learn this language. I did not. And I won’t. I won’t understand if you try to speak that language with me. However I have spent time and effort to learn the language of The Spirit. And so I know it and can speak it. I don’t worry anymore about talking to others and them not taking my words seriously. If they want to know, they will need to start with “a particle of faith” and then pay the price. Now I offer and let them decide and I don’t feel bad if they don’t try to understand.

    1. Cali and Linda, I love what your both just taught me! Cali- that we can’t always prove the gospel is true. It ALWAYS takes a little bit of faith. And Linda- we can’t understand a language unless we have spend time, and alot of it. It’s the same with spiritually language. So I must pay the price of study and prayer in order to know spiritually language and feel comfortable in sharing it and not feeling sad or frustrated if someone (my husband) doesn’t accept it right now. Thank you! Tanna:)

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