Abinadi’s faith is out of this world.

“He that is ​​​faithful​ in ​​​tribulation​, the ​​​reward​ of the same is greater in the kingdom of heaven.” D&C 58:2

Abinadi passed the test and I can guarantee earned the greatest reward.

He was called twice to teach to these wicked people, mocked and tortured, and killed for his bold preachings of Christ.

His faith allowed him to see the bigger picture.

He told Noah and his priests that if he needed to seal his words with his blood, he would.

He knew that pain and suffering and even death were just mortal experiences.

He knew that God wouldn’t leave him alone.

And he also had faith that his personal mission would be fulfilled.

Other prophets had their lives saved in miraculous ways. Other prophets converted entire cities and softened the hardest hearts.

But that wasn’t Abinadi’s mission.

His was to preach repentance to hardened hearts, convert young Alma who would be cast out, and die a brutal death.

We’ve all got different missions here on earth.

Some will endure difficult financial situations. Some will be saddled with mental illness. Some will know the pain of losing loved ones.

But the thing that carries us through is our faith.

Abinadi knew. Maybe not from the very start of his preaching. But by the time Noah was getting angry, he knew that he would seal his words with his blood and that physical deliverance would not be his in this life.

And so, he was filled with that faith even until the last moments as the flames surrounded him.

He knew where his soul was going because he had completed his mission.

Do we have the faith to endure our personal missions?

We can’t compare them to other people’s. Because we’ve all been asked to endure different things.

And our faith can help us endure them well.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



7 Responses

  1. I feel like such a wimp. If Abinadi could endure what he did, why cant I endure depression with a more hopeful attitude?

    1. Oh I feel so much for you! Know that “depression” is the answer here – when you have depression, your brain patterns are literally altered so that you CAN’T just power through with a positive outlook. Some sort of outside support or change is needed in order to make that happen, and it can take a long time. I guarantee God is looking down on your with love and patience for you to endure your persona trials – and not compare them with what other people have to go through. You are doing better than you think 🙂

  2. Your insights are extremely helpful to me! Last night around 2am I awoke to a voice that said:

    “You will find your strength in the Lord”

    And I know that’s were Abinadi got his strength from to continue to preach to and warn Noah and his people

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