Mormon is writing, hundreds of years after Christ came, and he has seen the destruction of all his people. ⁣

What a terrifying time.

Absolutely everything was changing, and he didn’t know what would happen next for sure. ⁣

But he was still compiling the plates. ⁣

It seemed a little redundant to include the small plates with the large plates he had abridged, but he felt like he should do it, so he did. ⁣

Mormon probably felt in varying doses: loneliness, confusion, fear, and uncertainty for the end of his people. ⁣

And yet he shows a beautiful example of true faith in God. ⁣

“And I do this for a wise purpose; for thus it whispereth me, according to the workings of the Spirit of the Lord which is in me. And now, I do not know all things; but the Lord knoweth all things which are to come; wherefore, he worketh in me to do according to his will.” (Words of Mormon 1:7)

He follows through on every single prompting he receives because he knows that the Lord is in control. ⁣

And that’s where true peace can be found. ⁣

I have felt similar feelings when I know change is ahead in my life.

Sometimes, I give into the fear of the unknown, my mind tunneling through every possibility.

… and other times I give it all to God. ⁣

Acknowledge that I have NO clue what is going to happen – but God does.

And if I just listen to the little promptings and then act on those little promptings, I feel peace. ⁣

Faith and fear don’t live together very well.

So, to cast out fear of the unknown, we can learn from Mormon to tune into the little promptings, act on them, and grow our faith to give God the rest of the control.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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