Something that hit me like a ton of bricks in 3 Nephi Chapter 11 was how often Jesus Christ explains that He, the Father, and the Spirit are ONE.

They have different jobs and roles to fulfill, but they are united in Their purpose. 

And that’s what makes this whole eternal salvation thing possible. 

We have One who is the loving Father of our spirits, we have One who atoned for our sins and showed the example, and we have One who carries messages to our heart and mind. 

Same purpose. Different jobs.

What a beautiful pattern for us to follow here on earth!

In our ward families, in our jobs, in many organizations, this is a great pattern – to focus on the unity of purpose while fulfilling different jobs.

But my favorite example of this is in marriage. 

It’s super easy to build up resentment in marriage. 

Resentment because it’s pretty impossible for two people to do exactly the same things all of the time and have a functioning household or life. 

Things are unfair all the time. 

I remember right after we got married, Kyle and I were both coming home from long days at work/school, and he asked me, “What do you have planned for dinner tonight?” My response was, “What do YOU have planned for dinner tonight?”

We hadn’t communicated yet about who would be in charge of dinners, and I certainly wasn’t going to bring on the resentment of trying to do a task I secretly despise. 

But then we talked about it. We figured it out. And it’s changed over the years as our lives have changed.

(For what it’s worth, he 100% plans all of our dinners right now and just tells me where to find the recipe. He’s the best. It’s also his birthday today, so wish him a Happy Birthday below!)

But that’s the beauty about unity. We can be united in our purpose and find different ways to get the messy jobs of life done. 

It’s not “fair”. It will never be “fair” if we are keeping score. 

“Different” doesn’t have to come with rankings. And “different” can change all of the time. Different is okay, and in fact, necessary. 

But with communication, love, and respect, we can find peace in the different job titles that we currently wear.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



19 Responses

  1. Happy Birthday Brother Black! You must be a pretty special man to have found such a wonderful wife. Have a great day and coming year!

  2. Happy Birthday to your hubby. And I just want to say I wish I had been as wise as you when I was your age! I love your messages!

    1. Happy Birthday, Brother Black!! I’ve been married 33 years and I still don’t understand why I have to cook all the meals when I’m not a good cook!!!?! Haha

  3. Happy birthday Kyle! I’m glad you’re a great husband and support your wife! It is great to have examples of that. Hope you have a wonderful day.

  4. Happy Birthday to your sweetheart! Loved this message. I could not have put it into words any better. It is important to remember we are working toward the same purpose regardless of who does what jobs in our marriage. Even after years of marriage it’s still important to remember this! When different life stages hit it’s important to re-evaluate together each time. Thank you for your words!

  5. Over the years my husband took care of our family of 7 kids and prepared and cooked lots of cassoles. Now I take care of him since he and I both had strokes. I have recovered enough to still pay the bills online. and keep up with smogs for the cars . . . He took care of me and now it is my turn to take care of him. We are able to read scriptures together and partake of the sacrament at home. Love these times. God is in our lives. We are His!!
    Happy Birthday Love to read about anything to do with Come Follow Me!

  6. Happiest Birthday Ever to You ???????????????????????????????????????? I hope you guys have a great day together ????????????????

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