WHY do you study the scriptures?

What’s your reason?

For quite a while, it was to check off my righteous to-do list for the day.

I’m supposed to read and pray every day, so I read and pray every day.

And then I started to wonder… WHY? Why is this something we’ve been asked to do every day?

And more importantly, why was I choosing to do it?

So I started thinking about the benefits of scripture study.

And my list looked a lot like what Alma tells his son Helaman in Alma 37.

Benefits of scripture study:

  • scriptures enlarge memory

They give my brain more positive experiences and stories to relate to than just the experiences I’ve had. I am widening my mental database of spiritual stories that point me to Christ and goodness.

  • scriptures convince me of the error of my ways

I see myself making the same exact mistakes and sins that people thousands of years ago did. And I see how they overcame it or what their results were if they succumbed.

  • scriptures show me the results of incorrect traditions

I see whole groups of people living in sin under the name of “tradition”, and I consider what righteous traditions I want to make a priority in my life.

  • scriptures teach me about repentance

Repentance is change, and I see this time and time again in the scriptures. People have changed their hearts and repented, which means that I can too.

  • most importantly, scriptures bring me knowledge about my Savior and teach me how to rejoice in him.

I get to know my Savior in these pages. I learn about his character and his goodness. I become familiar with his power and his desires. And I learn how to bask and rejoice in his redeeming love.

The scriptures aren’t just a collection of cool stories. And they aren’t supposed to be read every single day just for the fun of it.

So my challenge to you is to make your own list, and use Alma 37 to inspire you and start you off.

Why do you study your scriptures?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. YES Studying the Scriptures brings me enlightenment peace and I learn how others dealt wth thete challenges truibulations and I shows me the excellent path to righteousness Smen

  2. Some of the strong reasons that I study the scriptures are that I can feel my head and heart with thoughts and feelings of the goodness of God’s love. Is my way to be in the world without being of the world. Also, it gives me a clear blueprint of what it is to live the word of God, the blessings, the sacrifice, the simplicity, the faith, all that goes and must go with it as well of not living it.

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