I had the sacred opportunity a few years ago to be in the room while someone experienced a medical emergency that eventually led to their passing.

In both a priesthood blessing and a group prayer that were offered while waiting for emergency medical personnel to arrive, while the fate of this individual was still unknown, there was a unique experience. ⁣

No one prayed for nor was this person blessed with healing. ⁣

All of the blessings were for comfort for family members and for those of us in the room. ⁣

Everyone knew, in an unspeakable, powerful way, that healing was not what we should be praying for. ⁣

Some of my most holy moments have been similar, in much less dramatic ways.

Where it wasn’t me praying for my own will, but instead feeling my will being distinctly pulled to my Father’s will. ⁣

Moroni promised us that:

“Whoso believeth in Christ, doubting nothing, whatsoever he shall ask the Father in the name of Christ it shall be granted him.” (Mormon 9:21)⁣

But Moroni also clarified how we know that our prayers will truly be answered. ⁣

We must “ask with a firmness unshaken”. (Mormon 9:28)⁣

That is what the “unshaken firmness” feels like to me. ⁣

It’s when I’m praying with such pure intent and faith that I feel my will being gently molded and aligned. ⁣

Father and child. ⁣

I know what to ask for, and what not to ask for. ⁣

The job, the friend, the mission, the child, the opportunity. ⁣

My will is aligned. ⁣

And with firmness unshaken, I know that the prayer will be answered.

“Prayer is the act by which the will of the Father and the will of the child are brought into correspondence with each other”. (Bible Dictionary, Prayer)

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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