A few years ago, I was in the middle of a whole bunch of projects for work.

I was also freshly postpartum.

And a pandemic had just started, leaving me feeling overwhelmed.

This is when I learned that the excruciating pain I kept experiencing meant I needed to have an immediate, unexpected gallbladder removal surgery.

And on top of that, I didn’t take my phone charger with me to the hospital when my husband dropped me off at the ER.

Suddenly, in one of my busiest seasons of life, I was forced to completely slow down.

(While also asking kind nurses to let me borrow their charger from time to time so I could at least communicate with my husband.)

It was really hard at first.

I ended up spending 3 days virtually alone in the hospital.

But I remember the Spirit whispering to me, “Just slow down for a bit.”

It turned into a really sacred time of reset for me.

Alma had to deal with two jobs–

One as the high priest of the church.

And the other as the chief judge of the land.

He said that he felt sorrowful with everything he had to deal with!

And so Alma, “. . . retained the office of high priest unto himself; but he delivered the judgment-seat unto Nephihah.” (Alma 4:18)

Alma gave up one job and kept the other.

And guess what this meant for Alma?

He was suddenly able to do so much more!

By saying no to one thing, he was able to travel the land and be the best high priest that the people needed.

Sometimes, whether by choice or by a completely unexpected surgery and hospital stay, I am reminded that when I say no to some opportunities, I’m actually able to do more.

Simplifying where possible helps me magnify the few roles that I have.

And the Spirit can lead me to know the next right step.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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