I think Peter walked away from more than just his fishing boat that day.

“They forsook all, and followed him.” (Luke 5:11)

I believe Peter walked away from comfort.

From a predictable life.

From being focused on himself.

From being worried about what others thought.

“I am learning that Heavenly Father is more interested in my growth as a disciple of Jesus Christ than He is with my comfort.” — Michelle D. Craig

Sometimes I get stuck thinking “My goal is to be able to get all this stuff done so that I can relax!”

And I keep getting taught the lesson that this isn’t how life works.

I mean, relaxing is great and totally 100% necessary along the way.

But God isn’t hoping that I’ll finally finish my to-do list so that I can have more free time to catch up on shows.

He wants me to become better!

He wants me more refined. He wants me serving. He wants me loving. He wants me mourning and comforting and overcoming.

And those emotions… feel like a lot of work sometimes.

But the Lord loves effort, right?

So what will we be willing to forsake?

Are we willing to be uncomfortable? To step outside our comfort zones? To truly love? To develop our gifts?

In a gradual process, we can start to “forsake” having the ultimate goal of COMFORT.

And instead, we can allow Jesus to lead us to His ideal goal: GROWTH.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



6 Responses

  1. I can really relate to this post — finally at the age of 75 I’m starting to figure things out. Good think our Savior never gives up on us and allows us to grow at our own pace.

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