The Lord loves to work in patterns, right?

One pattern that seems to be obvious over and over in the Doctrine and Covenants this year is this:

When we are studying and pondering on the scriptures, the Lord will reveal to us greater light and knowledge.

I saw this pattern when Joseph, at the age of 14, pondered on a scripture he read and said a single, humble prayer.

In Section 138, the final section of the Doctrine and Covenants, we’ll learn about Joseph F. Smith pondering on the scriptures and then receiving a glorious vision.

And this week, we learn about Joseph and Sidney reading and translating the Bible together, coming to the book of John, and realizing that the traditional notions of heaven and hell didn’t seem to fit with what they were studying.

I would assume Joseph and Sidney had some sort of discussion, and maybe many discussions, about this topic.

And then, these two men received a vision.

A vision that completely revolutionized how everyone thought about heaven.

And I don’t believe that this pattern is only reserved for the prophets.

Because I’ve seen it in my life.

My stewardship isn’t over the entire church, so the Lord would not reveal anything to me that was my duty to tell everyone.

But I’ve received further light and knowledge by gaining clarity on certain topics that I had previously spent a long time wrestling with in my mind.

I’ve received further light and knowledge on what actions to take in my life, even when the words are not directly written in the scriptures.

I’ve received further light and knowledge by feeling directed and pulled to other people that are experts in their field and that I feel prompted to trust.

I’ve received further light and knowledge by feeling an extreme confidence in my testimony of certain topics as being drawn to scriptures that continue to teach these principles.

I want to be in the scriptures.

And not just in them, but immersed in them.

Thinking, writing, asking, praying, reading, and thinking some more.

When I’m studying and pondering on the scriptures, the Lord reveals to me greater light and knowledge.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. Really appreciate your insight about being drawn to other people who might be able to help with something you need… that this could be further light and knowledge coming in an unexpected way. It can be very difficult sometimes to recognize when Heavenly Father is speaking to us. You gave four excellent examples. ????

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